As paintings and sculptures, buildings can also be wonderful works of art, when architects were asked what they thought about the building that changed the rules of the game about the design of the buildings, which inspired them to be architects, or simply for the construction they find an example of magnificence.
These are the answers, here is a list of the most beautiful 22 buildings in the world:
Parethon in Athens - Greece
"It is the most beautiful architectural form and the most typical example," says Tara Imani. "Corinthian columns, and the method of making light bending on the columns, which makes it not seem weak and long from afar, put it on a hill. This building gave us the elementary rules of architecture, We are developing it to this day. "
Imani is the architect of Tara Imani Designs.
Brazilian Congress Building
"In 1974, my father took us on a journey to see the new city of Brasilia, which captivated the imagination of the world. It was in the form of a plane, a corbusier - the modern architectural form of Lou Corbusier, a famous architect-like wing of Kalrish. Inside the building is full of embassies, government buildings, And a temple, "says Julia Donohue.
Donohu is the official and entrepreneur of Equinox.
Donohu is the official and entrepreneur of Equinox.
Sao Paulo Museum of Art, Sao Paulo, Brazil
"It's bold," says Damares Hollingworth. "It was designed in 1968, built of cement and glass, hung on two sides, barely touching the columns. I like the idea of being designed by a woman."
Hollingworth is a Director of the DLR Group.
Hollingworth is a Director of the DLR Group.
Temple of the Forbidden City in Beijing - China
"It has an amazing size and permanence in design, a complex structure with a simple structure," says Rosa Xing. "My grandfather says that the architectural design must continue to exist beyond the age of one, a living time capsule for a culture of civilization."
Xing is a Principal Engineer at Bohlin Cywinski Jackson.
Xing is a Principal Engineer at Bohlin Cywinski Jackson.
Building Technology, Science and Innovation at Polytechnic University in Lakeland, Florida
"When I worked for Santiago Calatrava - a Spanish architect and sculptor, world-renowned for his future projects - I was part of the team working on the Polytechnic University project in Florida," says Marika McKell. "Not just for work but I loved the building of technology, I felt strongly attached to the Lakeland project, perhaps because my father grew up in Lakeland, I still go there constantly. "
McKayle is in charge of MM Studio.
McKayle is in charge of MM Studio.
House of Hubertus in Amsterdam - The Netherlands
"It is a rich and contemporary project made of steel, glass and cement, yet it remains respected by its traditional neighbors," says Randy Doetsch. "The institute protects the rights of unmarried women on equal footing.
Duch is the official at Dutch Insights and assistant professor of architecture at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Duch is the official at Dutch Insights and assistant professor of architecture at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Empire State Building in New York - New York
"I wanted to become an architect since I was a six-year-old boy partly because of this building," says William Martin. "My parents used to take us through the River Road and East Avenue (New Jersey). I was watching Manhattan from my back seat in the car. Antenna (antenna) has increased the value of the building ... by allowing better reception for millions of people. "
Martin is the founder of WJM Architecture.
Martin is the founder of WJM Architecture.
Museum of Contemporary Art Niteroi (MAC) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"A watery, simple set of lines and curves inspired by flowers growing in Rio de Janeiro," says Peter Xellay. "A gorgeous pink passage leads to the entrance to the building. It is the most charming reception for any building. It is humble, gentle and poetic."
A professor at the School of Art in Chicago and founder of the Architecture is Fun project.
A professor at the School of Art in Chicago and founder of the Architecture is Fun project.
Light church in Osaka-Japan
"The architect designed for this building, Tado Ando, has been able to create wonderful spaces that give a wide homogeneous view, simple shapes so that the light can be seen throughout the day," says Frank Gouna III.
Gouna is the Executive Director and Administrator of FC3 Design and Architecture.
Gouna is the Executive Director and Administrator of FC3 Design and Architecture.
Project Center at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, United Kingdom
The Center is a "great combination of building magnificence and sustainable design - building design in an environment-friendly manner" - says Adam Adam Smith, "which is also part of a group of buildings that tried to transcend the boundaries of creativity at the time."
Adam Smith is a British architect and founder of House Planning Help.
Adam Smith is a British architect and founder of House Planning Help.
Casa Mila in Barcelona - Spain
Casa Mila is "an exciting building, rich in sense, poetic and rich in urban residential areas," says Clark Manus.
Manos is CEO of Heller Manus Architecture and former President of the American Institute of Architecture.
Manos is CEO of Heller Manus Architecture and former President of the American Institute of Architecture.
Kimble Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas
"Built in 1974, he redefined how museums and art galleries used natural daylight, is truly a modern masterpiece," says Bob Burson.
Bob is in charge of Malone Maxwell Burson Architects.
Bob is in charge of Malone Maxwell Burson Architects.
The waterfall in Ren-Pennsylvania
"The harsh Capoli balconies are modern materials that have been introduced into the heart of the forest," said Bruce Turner. "The most important thing that made this house my favorite is something that does not appear in the pictures. It's a way to get to it. A road through the forest, and finally shows you the house. "
Turner is an independent Amari engineer in New Jersey.
Turner is an independent Amari engineer in New Jersey.
The Barnes Institution Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
” قد يكون هذا البناء الأكثر شعبية والأكثر شهر إعلاميًا، إلا أنني عندما شاهدته عن قرب قام بإلهامي حقيقةً ” تقول لي كاليستي.
كاليستي هي المؤسسة لشركة كاليستي للتصميم والعمارة.
نوتردام دو هو في رون شامب- فرنسا
” المبنى يقف بجرأة وابتكار وتطلُّع للمستقبل إلا أنه بنفس الوقت يحترم مكانه والماضي” يقول جوناثان براون.
براون شريك رئيسي في شركة JHPللعمارة والتصميم المدني.
مكتبه سانت جنفياف في باريس- فرنسا
“تم إنهاء بناؤها عام 1850، هي صندوق جواهر سحري كبناء” يقول جاريد بانكس، ” الممر الخارجي ذو الأحجار الفضية يخفي قاعات القراءة ذات الضوء الكهفي والسقف المعقود المصنوع من الحديد المطاوع.”
بانكس هو مهندس عماري يعمل لصالح شوغنوم للعمارة.
معهد سالك للدراسات البيولوجية في لا جولا- كاليفورنيا
” يطابق بسحرية موقع للاستكشاف العلمي الملهم” يقول مانوس.
مانوس هو المدير التنفيذي لشركة هيللر مانوس للعمارة، والرئيس السابق للمعهد الأمريكي للعمارة.
منزل ذا شيتس غولدشتاين في لوس أنجلس- كاليفورنيا
” معروف بمنزل ليبوفسكي الكبير، هو أحد هذه الأماكن التي تجعلك مندهشًا بسبب جماله الخيالي الجريء” يقول إيفان تروكسل.
تروكسل مسؤول تصميم المشاريع لدى HMC ومقدم مشارك لبودكاست “Archispeak”.
مركز TWA للطيران في مطار جون كينيدي في جامايكا، نيويورك
” هذا المركز تم تصميمه قبل ظهور الحواسيب، أي هو سابق لعهده بعقود، البناء صُنِع من الاسمنت والزجاج ليحمل كل هذه الإثارة والروعة والرومانسية لرحلات الطائرات النفاثة الجوية” يقول جوزيف ديفيد، “في كل منظر وفي كل زاوية يوجد شيء مدهش، حتى بعد 50 عام من افتتاحه لا زال يبدو وكأنه قادم من المستقبل.”
جوزيف مهندس عماري من نيو جيرسي.
فيلا مالابارته في كابري- إيطاليا
” إنه مزيج رائع بين الطبيعة والبناء، إنه يجعل البيئة أكثر سحرًا” يقول جورغن فان دير بلوغ.
جورغن هو المؤسس المشارك لشركة فارو للعمارة.
شابل معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في كامبريدج- ماساشوستس
” لقد تعرفت عليه باكرًا أثناء دراستي للهندسة المعمارية” تقول لورا توماس، ” ولكن عندما رأيته فهمت ما للعمارة ممكن أن تكون؛ الحجم والمواد والضوء، تستطيع أن تشعر بطاقته، حينها بدأت أفهم ما هي العمارة.”
توماس هي الرئيسة والمسؤولة في ميلفيل توماس للعمارة.
مبنى لويدز في لندن- المملكة المتحدة
“هذا هو أسلوب البناء عالي التكنولوجيا الأكثر تعقيدًا وتطرفًا، فهو يكشف كل بنيته، السلالم، المصاعد والآليات من الخارج” يقول جيفري روبرتس، ” البناء يأخذ شكل محرك عملاق، بوضع عمودي إلى جانب جيرانه الأبنية التاريخية، أحب صدق نموذج العمارة المستخدم في هذا البناء.”
روبرتس مهندس في شركة سيرا للعمارة.
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